We offer fixed desks at £180 a month (£150+VAT)

Our latest space is an abandoned warehouse and school in the heart of Camden Town. It’s four floors of workspace for creative start-ups, combining: hot-desking, fixed desks, meeting rooms, event space, breakout space and outdoor space.

Fixed Desks

Collective Community

We aim to incubate, support, and encourage growth of high-quality start-up businesses through the provision of a flexible and collaborative working environment. As a self-sustaining network, we ask that members contribute to the Collective community. This is done in three ways:

  • Members contribute two hours of their time each month towards the growth and development of Collective

  • Members attend quarterly review meetings

  • Members agree to follow our first rule: don’t be an arse


- Your own dedicated desk in a lockable room shared with other fixed deskers
- Gigabit up/down Wifi
- 24/7 access
- Free meeting rooms
- Free boardroom
- Wifi and powered covered outside space
- Lockers
- Event space
- Cycle parking
- Shower
- Phonebooths

Apply for a fixed desk

Where to find us